Bilingual Subtitles & Enhanced Experiences for Netflix
Change video quality, Control video speed, Upload custom subtitles and much more - Make Your Experience on Netflix More Enjoyable.
Plays local videos on Chrome/Chromecast (with subtitles) and playback control from your mobile device.
Add captions to any video or movie on Netflix, Youtube or other platforms.
Extension for download video and subtitles from vimeo.com by injecting download buttons directly into the Vimeo player.
Use this extension to add subtitles available to user to any YouTube video
Add foreign language subtitle display and dictionary function on Amazon Prime Video.
Save time watching youtube videos by filtering their subtitles and skipping uninteresting parts.
Show subtitles in two languages on Youtube & Netflix
Language Learning with Netflix and YouTube – double subtitles and word translation. Add to Chrome for Free!
Quick search on OpenSubtitles.org
Wisesub - Translation of text and subtitles in one click on Netflix, Prime video, YouTube, TED, Amediateka, Vimeo, Coursera!
Learn English watching Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube
Enhanced Netflix subtitles for foreign language study
GlotDojo is a handy translator & language learning tool optimized for English, Chinese, Japanese. Work on video subtitles.
Bilingual Subtitles for Netflix (fixed)
Learn English watching your favorites videos on Netflix! Translate any word from subtitles just by clicking on it.
Subtitles for netflix!
Double subtitles on Youtube from Puzzle English是一款支持谷歌浏览器用户在YouTube上观看带有英语字幕和翻译的视频的Chrome插件。
Watch your favorite movies and shows online with subtitles.
Addon to play online videos with subtitles
This utility helps FUNiX students for learning online, ex: Vietnamese translation for course materials, highlight video's subtitles.
Display subtitles of YouTube movies at the same time in multiple languages. Show subtitles of YouTube simultaneously.
Learn English through Netflix Movies. Translate whole phrase or each word with audio and visual support.
Chrome extension for netflix allowing to turn on several sets of subtitles simultaneously.
Auto-generated subtitles on any website.
Search through Youtube subtitles and get to the exact spot in the video! Compatible with all languages that the subtitles support.
A fun way to learn languages. Watch your favorite shows and translate any word from subtitles by mouse click
Netflix Subtitle Options - Improve the visibility of Netflix subtitles
Subtitles Translator for Popular Video-Streaming Services
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