快速打开 Google 文档应用
Screenshot any webpage or a portion of a webpage and immediately convert it into editable text.
Get access to a free and fast PDF converter with a new tab page search.
Open a page or document in the V-DOCS client software to sign
A large number of Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets templates to boost your business.
Instantly change the sharing permissions of a Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Drawing to "Anyone with the link can view".
Easily view PDF and MS Office documents in your browser.
All your Google Docs, Notion pages and other work documents, right in your new tab.
A PHP document is opened from a selection character string.
View invisible table outlines as gridlines
Docsify is an advanced email tracker for Gmail/Gsuite you can use with a whole team without overpayments
Dark Mode for Google Docs + UI Upgrade
Download any DocSend slide deck as a PDF
The best way to record voice notes and audio feedback on Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms.
Free PDF File Converter - Convert PDF to DOC/DOCS for Free.
An extension to help teachers share Docs to Google Classroom
Consolidate emails into nicely organized Google Docs
Realtime coediting in Gmail and Evernote, just like Google Docs
A handy browser extension to search Rust docs and crates, etc in the address bar instantly!
Best way to take cloud-backed, timestamped notes on YouTube and other MOOC platforms
D-ToolBox, Shortcuts to create Google Drive documents and download as pdf, docs, xlsx, etc.. your google document.
他的扩展程序允许您一键创建新的Google Documents™,演示文稿,Sheets™,Draw™Forms™
Enables image zoom in Google Docs.
Says what it does or does what it says.
Displays a real-time word count while writing in Google Docs, as well as milestone markers every 500 words.
Create, edit and share Docs, Sheets, Slides, Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents. Work with others on shared projects.
Activates a macOS styled dark mode for Google Docs.
Chrome extension to select any word on Google Docs or any website to lookup synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, definitions on Word Hippo.
Dark mode for Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Sheets, Google Drawings and more! Support coming soon for other Google services!
Search across 20+ Zoho Apps like Mail, Cliq, CRM, Docs, Notebook, Desk, Books in one go
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