
Market Intelligence provides in-depth Amazon analytics.
Find email based on someone's name
eSpeedMovie Search
Turns on SafeSearch filter from popular search engines to help you avoid unsafe content in the results of your search feed.
Provides an easy and pleasant search of content on the content sites directly from your browser's address bar.
Quick access in the autocomplete suggestions to search for online games on gaming sites, directly from your Chrome’s address bar.
Brings your news search and digesting experience to your address bar.
Изменяет формат показа списка торрентов для RuTracker.org.
Enables you to perform an easy video search with multiple filters from your address bar and from the extension’s dashboard.
Brings the weather updates you care about to your address bar.
Stunning mountain wallpapers.
Beautiful Beach Wallpapers.
Easily take screenshots of any pages.
Make Cactus Search your new search engine and help to keep the rare plants
Lilo est le moteur de recherche français & solidaire qui vous permet de financer gratuitement des projets solidaires.
Film Links Now is a premium search extension.
Get coffee recipes in new tab
It's simple and replaces your current Chrome New Tab window with a feature packed New Tab
Easy tool to help you learn more about errors and find alternate places online.
Use Microsoft Rewards extension to find new ways to earn every day and easily track your points and set your default search to Bing
Optimized search results powered by Yahoo!
Find sci paper by sci-hub
Unlimited on-demand keyword research data inside Google search results.
The most efficient way to use your favourite search engines. Search selected text, use customizable hotkeys and much more.
Google Chrome extension that checks the ranking for a particular keyword in Google and Bing for the website currently viewed.
Torrents MultiSearch - search on some of the trackers at once!
Force Windows 10 and Cortana to use Google Chrome and your favorite search engine instead of Bing!
Double-click a word on any website and instantly get its definition at TheFreeDictionary, the world's most comprehensive dictionary!
Want to view cached pages and cached websites? Right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine or Google Cached pages.
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