Bookmarks GDL3书签插件

开发者工具插件大小: 0.05MiB版本: v 0.0.6更新时间: 2017-11-15
大小:0.05MiB版本:v 0.0.6更新时间:2017-11-15

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件是一款可以帮助用户管理Chrome书签的谷歌浏览器插件,包括对书签的快速添加与删除,还可以对Chrome书签进行不同颜色分组、快速备份和恢复等功能。

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件背景

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件是一款可以帮助用户管理Chrome书签的谷歌浏览器插件,包括对书签的快速添加与删除,还可以对Chrome书签进行不同颜色分组、快速备份和恢复等功能。

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件插件介绍

Bookmarks GDL3书签是一种可以记录当前用户浏览网页的网址的功能。

书签同步插件Bookmarks GDL3是一款优秀的浏览器插件,该插件兼容谷歌chrome浏览器,可以对本地浏览器的收藏夹或书签进行同步。很多IT人士的浏览器内都有很多收藏的书签,使用该插件后我们就能随时随地就行备份和还原,保证您的书签能够是最新最全的。欢迎下载使用哦!

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件插件功能


Bookmarks GDL3书签插件是一款可以帮助用户更好地管理Chrome书签的谷歌浏览器插件,用户在Chrome中安装了Bookmarks GDL3书签插件管理器插件以后,就可以在Chrome中进行快速地添加和删除Chrome书签,并且可以通过颜色分组、高亮等功能,对众多的chrome书签进行分组,更加快速地找到有用的网址。

Bookmarks GDL3书签插件插件安装


Bookmarks GDL3书签插件使用


You should know that one of the advantages of chrome is that there are various plug-ins, which make us more efficient in browsing and working.

Bookmarks GDL3 is a Google browser plug-in that can help users better manage Chrome bookmarks. After users install Bookmarks GDL3 in chrome, they can quickly add and remove Chrome bookmarks in chrome, and can group many Chrome bookmarks through color grouping, highlighting and other functions, so as to find them more quickly Web address used.

You can also see when they were last updated, and if they have their own home page, they can be categorized and more.

######## Features ########

- You should know that one of the advantages of chrome is that there are various plug-ins, which make us more efficient in browsing and working.

- Bookmarks GDL3 bookmark plug-in is a Google browser plug-in that can help users better manage Chrome bookmarks. After users install the Bookmarks GDL3 plug-in manager plug-in in chrome, they can quickly add and delete Chrome bookmarks in chrome, and group many Chrome bookmarks through color grouping, highlighting and other functions, which is faster Find useful websites quickly.

- You can also see when they were last updated, and if they have their own home page, they can be categorized and more.

For a full overview please take a look at the FAQ or just install this extension. ;)

Thanks for using Bookmarks GDL3. :)


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